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Thursday 25 July 2013

The Paul Krugman Blog - Detroit, the New Greece

The Paul Krugman Blog  -  Detroit, the New Greece (Read More) 

Streets of Athens, Remember? Circa 1967???

As Dr Kinesa points out in his recent article, there is a lot of analysis and navel-gazing required to sort out the problems of both Greece and Detroit, who share many similarities. By the way, a better title may be "Greece, the New Detroit?"

Why don't we just state the obvious here? That is about the differences between recent economic successes of China and for some time Japan, and failures of centres; such as Detroit, Greece, Portugal and others. Imagine over the years, that the winners actually have had a "economic business plan" that they execute to, by using both free and centralised policies and tactics. ( seems they also better learn and apply MBA thinking?) Meaning that over reliance on "invisible market forces" to attain the optimal economic state is not a panacea, in fact, it is plain foolhardy - results speak for themselves.

Anyway, when a National Business Strategy is employed, it creates a different outcome because it focuses the nation or centre on simple stuff like; What can we do better then others? Where can we build long-term sustainable comparative advantages? And thats where all that weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats thinking occurs, breeding realistic paths forward.

Bottom line; we see that the winners are executing successful National Business Strategies that have little to do with whatever is trending in the Schools of Economics. Imagine! 

That's our short take on it - but never forget what you paid for free advice.

First Financial Insights

July 25, 2013

Streets of Detroit  -  2012
When did it really go Bankrupt???

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